


Our school conducted an extensive review of our Homework Policy and canvassed views from parents, students and teachers. In summary, our community values homework but does not want it to impact other after school activities.

Our community prefers a model of homework that is:

  • consistent across the school, and in it’s timing (i.e. return of homework each Friday)
  • balanced with often busy home lives
  • based on core skills such as reading
  •  monitored by the class teacher
Our model clearly aligns to the current Department of Education Homework Policy. Our general guideline for the amount of homework our students are expected to do:-
  • Prep could be up to but generally not more than one hour per week.
  • Years 1 – 3 could be up to but generally not more than one hour per week.
  • Years 4 and 5 could be up to but generally not more than two to three hours per week.
  • Years 6 could be up to but generally not more than three to four hours per week.

Compulsory homework for all students.

Students need to practice reading for fluency, expression and understanding of vocabulary. Teachers will guide students to read texts from a range of genre and interests. The books should be interesting and slightly challenging to the student. Weekly borrowing sessions from the library are provided for students and records of reading are monitored and kept by the teacher. The following useful tip sheets provide ideas for reading with your child.

Students in Year 6 will have a gradual increase in homework commencing in Semester Two across a range of subject areas in order to prepare them for the demands of High School.

Students not completing homework may be required to “catch up” during other class activities as identified by the teacher.

Please be aware that this is the minimum work to be completed at home and we encourage you to support your child’s learning in other ways.

Other optional "On Line Activities" are available. Parents are encouraged to consult their child’s teacher to discuss any concerns about the nature of homework and their children's approach to the homework.

Last reviewed 19 October 2021
Last updated 19 October 2021