
Camps and excursions


Students are required to wear full school uniform. Written permission from parents is required and generally there is a cost involved. Invitations to attend off-campus activities may be withdrawn if a student’s behaviour within school grounds does not comply with our code of student behaviour.

In addition to tours of an educational nature, classes will also be able to participate in a range of cultural visits each year. The Queensland Arts Council and other performances will visit the school throughout the year to present educational and entertaining performances. Parents are advised of the program, date and cost prior to the performance.

Emu Park School provides students with a wide and varied Outdoor Education Program which focuses on social, educational and cooperative development. As part of our outdoor program for the middle to upper school we have planned an excursion program that integrates with the curriculum outcomes for each year level.

Last reviewed 26 February 2020
Last updated 26 February 2020