
Dental visit


Queensland Health School Dental Services visits the school to check and treat those who wish to avail themselves of this service. All contact for this service is made through the Dental Therapists. 

The School Dental Service provides oral health care universally to children from four years of age to those who have not yet completed year 10. The majority of treatment is carried out by dental or oral health therapists who are highly trained and skilled in dentistry for children.  More specialised treatment may be carried out by the Dentist who also advises parents with respect to orthodontics or other dental specialties.

At designated times during the year dental forms will be distributed to students. If you wish for your child to be seen by the School Dental Service please return the completed form promptly to aid the clinic in their efficient delivery of service. Your child will then be seen for a check up. If any treatment is required you will be advised in writing and must give written consent in order for the treatment to be completed.  Again, please return the consent to treatment note without delay. 

Parents wishing their children to have more frequent dental checks are encouraged to contact their local School Dental Service.  In order to maintain efficiency, these extra checks are generally scheduled in school holidays or out of school hours.

Last reviewed 26 February 2020
Last updated 26 February 2020