Health and Physical Education (HPE) instruction is provided by both class teachers and the HPE Specialist Teacher. Students are exposed to a broad-based program covering a large variety of movement activities including ball skills, dance, games and sport education, adventure and challenge activities. Other programs that the HPE teacher includes are health lessons as well as human relationships programs and sexual health for Year 6/7 students.
Swimming for all classes is held one term per year. Classes are divided into small groups and instructed by the Physical Education teacher and paid swimming coaches. Swimming is an integral part of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum and, as with other subjects, is compulsory. Certificates and awards are available at all levels.
Please provide a note if your child is unable to participate in a swimming lesson.
Jewellery must be removed for lessons and long hair tied back because of safety concerns.
Sun Safe Shirts need to be worn during swimming lessons.