
Week 1, Term1, 2025 Update from Mrs Clayton


​​​​Welcome to all our school community as we begin a new year. This year we are excited to welcome almost 80 new students. We look forward to getting to know these families as they join us on their learning journey.

The commencement of school brought about some unexpected changes with the resignation of our principal Wayne McMurtrie. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Mr Mac and his 18 and a half years of hard work and service at Emu Park State School. Mr Mac was appointed to Emu Park State School in 2006. At the time, the school enrolment was 255 students, and during his time at EPSS our school has grown to its current enrolment of 485. In 2006 there were 5 buildings, 12 classrooms and the administration 'building' was a tiny room near the current library. In 2025 we have 15 buildings, 29 classrooms, an administration block and hall. The addition of the 10 buildings as well as the replacement of a toilet block and tennis court all eventuated after many hours of advocacy and negotiation by Mr Mac to ensure the best outcomes for our community. Mr Mac has always had a passion for technology and all things IT. This passion and knowledge have ensured that Emu Park has always had the latest and best technology available to our students.

Mr Mac was instrumental in facilitating the development of our whole school approach to Whole Being, this is an amazing legacy that he leaves our school with. Our Whole Being approach is so powerful because it goes beyond academic achievement—it nurtures the emotional, social, and academic competence of all students. By instilling these six habits, we are not only shaping the present but also setting students up for long-term success and well-being.

On behalf of the school community, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Wayne for the many hours of service and dedication that has been given to us.  We wish him all the best in his new endeavours.

Staffing for 2025:  This year we welcome Ms Willoughby and Mrs Woodruff back to our teaching staff after their periods of leave. I will be in the position of Acting Principal until a new Principal is appointed by Education Queensland.  Mrs Kate Karner is acting in the position of Deputy Principal during this time. We anticipate this process will be completed by the end of the term. 

Parent information Sessions:  Teachers will be holding parent information sessions over the next few weeks. These sessions are very informative as teachers explain their class routines and expectations, curriculum and the best way to contact and communicate with them. These sessions also provide parents and carers with the opportunity to ask questions and address any concerns you or your child may have.

Monday 10th Feb3:10 pm E1
12D   1T    1C
Thursday 13th Feb3:10 pmD3
2Z   2B    2F 

Monday 10th Feb

Monday 10th Feb
3:10 pm

3:10 pm​


Monday 3rd Feb3:10 pmV2
Thursday 6th Feb3:15 pmV1
34WThursday 6th Feb3:10 pmT1
4NMonday 10th Feb3:10 pmX6
4TTuesday 11th Feb3:10 pmT2
45EThursday 6th Feb3:10 pmX5
56D  56F  56H  56V
Thursday 6th Feb3:10 pmX1
Instrumental MusicTuesday 11th Feb5:00 pm B4

​Parents and Citizens Meeting:  The first P and C meeting for 2025 will be held on Wednesday 12th February at 5:30pm in the staffroom. All parents and carers, new and returning families are invited to attend.

Water Safety and Awareness lessons:  A reminder that lessons begin next Monday 3rd February. Written permission and payment are required before your child's lessons. Please check the note carefully for details on requirements for water safety lessons. All students must wear a sunsafe shirt (rashie) for lessons. Students must also wear enclosed shoes to the pool. Slides and crocs are not appropriate footwear and should not be worn.

School Uniforms:  It has been wonderful to see all of our students proudly wearing their full school uniform each day. Our uniform consists of our school shirt, black bottoms and a school hat. Students are permitted to wear any colour joggers or closed in shoes with socks of their choice. A reminder that necklaces or chains are not part of the uniform for health and safety reasons. We ask you to support this by reminding your child to leave these items at home where they are safe. Uniforms are available from the office or you can order them on QKR! The black bottoms are also readily available at all major stores at great prices during the back to school period. We also ask that you keep football club short or boardies for the weekend.

On behalf of all of our staff, I would like to welcome you all again and look forward to chatting with you when I see you are around the school.


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Last reviewed 04 February 2025
Last updated 04 February 2025