
Week 5, Term 1, 2025 Update from Mrs Clayton


Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been an eventful and busy first month of the year.  On Friday morning, we acknowledged the great habits of our students during assembly with many receiving their Bronze Personal Achievement Awards. It was wonderful to see the smiles and pride in our students as their names were called and we recognised how these students practise our habits daily. Well done to these students.

There has been some wonderful learning experiences and events happening in classrooms. Last week 56D asked Mrs Witts and myself interesting and probing questions as they read through a humorous text that provided opportunities to develop their reading fluency and expression.

Practicing of neat and accurate handwriting is a focus this term as proficient handwriting skills allow students to focus on learning and creating rather than writing. Our classes are working towards developing fluent handwriting.

Ms Elliot's Mini Lit students demonstrated their awesome reading skills and progress.

Our Prep students are quickly learning the routines and habits of school life, and are showing us how resilient and happy they are at school. Please take the time to ask your children something new they have learnt.

Facilities update -​​ Playgrounds: Our three playgrounds have now all been repaired, repainted, and refreshed and they are looking amazing!  

Parent Teacher Interviews: Parent teacher interviews will be held this term on Wednesday 26th March. Watch for the email inviting you to book on SOBS. Follow the link when you receive it to book your interview times. I encourage all families to make a time to meet with teachers as this gives both parties the opportunity to discuss your child's learning, any adjustments required and celebrate their successes.

Aussie of the Month: This coming Friday 28th February will be the first of our Aussie of the Month Assemblies. Aussie of the Month is awarded to one student in each class. Students who display consistent effort, positive attitudes and practise our school habits. Class teachers select students based on these attributes. We look forward to recognising these students.

Jewellery:  A reminder that necklaces, chains or leather necklaces are not permitted to be worn at school. This is a health and safety matter as they are a choking hazard if they are pulled or get caught up.  We ask that parents assist us with this matter and remind your children that these precious items are best kept at home; for weekend and holiday wearing.

Before School: Students are to wait in the designated eating areas before school until their class teachers collect them. If students are accompanied by a parent or adult, they may wait outside their classrooms quietly. Playing on playgrounds or on grassed areas is not permitted before or after school due to Health and Safety reasons and rulings.

Cross Country Training:  Training for the Cross-Country trials and competition has commenced on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Students who wish to trial for the KCD and Rockhampton District Cross Country competition must attend the training sessions to be eligible to compete.

Hearing Screening: Prep and other eligible students should have received an email informing them about the upcoming hearing screening. Please take advantage of this service even if you don't suspect any hearing difficulties with your child. Healthy ears and good hearing are important to ensure your child is not missing important information when participating in learning activities. Please contact the office if you have misplaced the email.

NAPLAN: This week students in Years 3 and 5 are becoming familiar with the NAPLAN testing formats as they complete the online practice tests. They are learning how to answer the questions online and the types of questions they may encounter during the testing period in Weeks 7 & 8.  A timetable of the actual test days will be emailed home soon. If you have any questions or concerns regarding NAPLAN, please contact your child's teacher.

Have a great week, 



Saver Program – Smith Family:  Could you use an extra $500 for education costs? We know that cost of living pressures are continuing to put extra stress on households, with families in particular feeling the effects.  What is Saver Plus?  Saver Plus is a program for people on lower incomes. It's about bolstering their financial skills, so they can develop (and keep) good savings habits.  Since 2003, Saver Plus has supported more than 62,000 people to start saving.  It's helped overcome the barriers around education expenses. And it's set them up for a brighter future.  What are the eligible savings goals?  Eligible savings goals are education related products or services that assist a primary or secondary school student's education with laptops & tablets, books and supplies, uniforms & shoes, sports fees & gear, lessons & activities, excursions.  Go to to find out if you're eligible or call 1300 610 355 

TRIPLE P - Positive Parent Programs: Time flies. Make every parenting moment count. Proven, positive tips that can help every family. You can support your child's development, grow closer and solve problems – positively. There are many simple strategies you can start using right now, to make every moment count!

123 MAGIC Emotional coaching for parents. Wed 12,19,26 March 6:30-8:30pm: Learn to manage difficult behaviour in children 2-12 years old.  3 session programs for parents and carers provided by Catholic Care. You will learn: How to discipline without arguing, yelling or smacking. How to sort behaviour. How to handle challenging and testing behaviours. Choosing your strategy, the 3 choices. Using emotion coaching to encourage good behaviour. 7 Tactics for encouraging good behaviour. Free Call:  130078354 

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Last reviewed 25 February 2025
Last updated 25 February 2025