
Week 4, Term 1, 2023 Update from Mrs Clayton


It is hard to believe that next week we will be half way through Term 1. We have had a busy but great start to the year with our students quickly settling into their new classes. We have welcomed many new students and families to the area and hope they are settling into our community. Over the next 6 weeks we have many events and activities coming up.

NAPLAN: Year 3 and 5 students will be completing NAPLAN tests online during Weeks 8 & 9 (March15-21). Parents were emailed information about the tests recently and further information will be emailed home closer to the test period. If you have any questions please see your child's teacher.

Life Education: Liz and Harold will be visiting us in their brand new van during March. We are fortunate to have this visit fully funded by Communities for Children. To ensure we continue to receive this funding and so your child can attend please make sure you complete the data and consent forms that will be coming home on Monday with your child.

Life Education has been empowering Queensland children with the knowledge and skills for a healthy, safe life.  In today's world, those life skills are more important than ever. Through their program they focus on the key influences on a child's health and wellbeing, including: nutrition, cyber safety, alcohol, smoking, drugs, bullying, emotional health and relationships. We hope all of our students will attend.

Cross Country: Mrs Karner will be holding Cross Country trials on Friday March 10 for students born 2011, 2012 & 2013. Students must have attended the morning training sessions to be eligible to trial. Please contact Mrs Karner if you have any questions.

Swimming Carnivals – Week 10:  There will be special Tuckshop menus for these days.

Senior Carnival Years 3- 6 Tuesday 28 March 9am-2:45pm

Junior Fun Day Wednesday 29 March 9:30-1:00pm

Farewell to Chappy:  Our school Chaplin Cherril Sell has decided to retire. Yesterday, the staff held a morning tea to acknowledge her contributions in our school community over the time she has worked with us and to wish her well in the future. Her lunch time activities in the Reading Area, Friendship and Lego groups, NAIDOC activities and her time supporting students have been much appreciated and we will miss her presence in the school. Currently we do not have a replacement for Chappy and we will inform the community when we are assigned a new Chaplin.

Camps: A reminder to families of students in Years 4 and 5 that in Term 4 these year levels have a camp. Each of the camps are 3 days/2 nights. Years 4 will be going to Konomi Island and Year 5 to Boyne Island. The cost for these camps will not be finalised until later in the year but we predict an approximate cost of between $290- $320 per student.

“Children fall in love with books because of the memories created when they snuggle up and read with someone they love." Raising Readers


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Last reviewed 17 February 2023
Last updated 17 February 2023