Events Update: Over the next few weeks, there are several events and learning opportunities for our students.
Swimming Lessons: This week in swimming (Week 7: 8-12 March) Year 3 to 6 students will be completing some of their life saving techniques in swimming and they require some old clothes to swim in during their lessons. This activity is to develop an awareness of the difference clothes make when they are wet and how that can affect their ability to swim in a safe and supportive environment. Please ensure your child has the required clothing for their swimming lesson.
Swimming Carnivals: Our swimming carnivals will be held on Tuesday 23 March (Year 3 -6) and Wednesday 24 March (Prep to Year 3). Please look for further emails for information. Tuckshop orders for the carnivals need to be completed through QKR!
Bullying – No Way! Day Friday 19 March: Emu Park State School will be participating in the nation wide day to assist in developing awareness around bullying.
Bullying in person or online might look or feel like someone is: 
• repeatedly saying mean words to your face, teasing you, hurting your body or damaging your things
• hurting your feelings through mean online posts, comments or messages
• spreading lies about you
• leaving you out or ignoring you
• sharing something online that will make you feel bad, like a photo or video that you don't want anyone to see
• threatening to do any of the things on this list.
For further information:
School Photos: School Photo Days are Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 March. Students should have all brought home the payment envelopes. Spare envelopes are available from the office if required. Envelopes are also available at the office for families wishing for a sibling/family group photo. Students who participate in special photo groups e.g. music, senior leaders, captains etc. envelopes will be sent home after the photos have been taken.
Life Education Visit: Liz and Healthy Harold the Giraffe will be at Emu Park State School from
Tuesday 23 to Wednesday 31 March, 2021. Our visit is again being fully sponsored by The Smith Family, Communities for Children. We can't wait to meet our old friends and make new ones too. We'll be learning about healthy lifestyle choices and having lots of fun along the way. Head to our
Parent and Carer Hub to have a look at the modules that your kids will be working through. You will find detailed overviews of the modules and fact sheets with 'conversation starter' ideas so that you can carry on discussing the lessons at home. We will also post a story after the visit so you might like to 'like' and follow our
CQ Life Education Facebook Page ,
Liz and Healthy Harold.
Looking forward to sharing these exciting events with you and your family.
Did you know? "The more you hug your children the more their brains develop"