Today is National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. On assembly this morning a select group of student leaders demonstrated how our Whole Being Program addresses this very important topic. Students spoke specifically about each of our six habits and the strategies that will contribute to a safe place for learning.
Next week is a busy week of activities and events for students.
- Monday and Tuesday – School Photos
- Tuesday and Wednesday – Swimming Carnival
- Thursday – Cross Country
- Monday to Friday – Life Education Van
Our P&C Association have taken over the running of our weekly Brekky Club. Every Wednesday morning students are welcome to come and be part of this tradition. Students are provided with toasted sandwiches, fruit and a drink to nourish them for the day. The Brekky Club will operate out of the B Block Cooking Room. There is no charge to students as our P&C cover all associated costs. All students are welcome.
We are finally, after many years, having our old toilet block replaced. Work will commence over the coming school holidays to demolish the old toilet block and a new block will be built in its place. Additionally during this time a lift will be installed in B block to allow all students access to our library. This is planned to be completed by late July.
Due to the ongoing interest in lunch time soccer, two additional soccer goals are in the process of being constructed and should be available for use next term. Prep students have also recently received additional outside play equipment to develop gross and perceptual motor skills whilst having fun.