Welcome to the many new families that are joining us for the first time. I look forward to meeting you.
Last Friday was the official Day 8 for students in state schools. On this day Education Queensland conducts a count of students enrolled in our school and allocates the number of teachers to be funded. Our numbers have remained consistent, meaning that we have been allocated the number of teachers we were expecting. This is great news as we do not have to reshuffle classes or redo our timetables. We have received a number of queries from parents regarding how composite classes work in schools. There are many reasons this can occur and teachers are well skilled to be able to manage students of various learning levels as well as age levels. Keep and eye out for an update from our new Head of Curriculum (Deb Witts) on this topic. We also welcome Kodie Hoppe, Ashlee Weller and Lucy Birgan as classroom teachers.
This year we are providing our students with specialised science lessons. You may have noticed some photos and stories on our Facebook site of students enjoying their learning in our dedicated double science room.
A couple of reminders that ensures our school continues to operate safely and meets the Government expectations. Our school officially opens its gates at 8:15 in the morning. If students are in the school grounds prior to this they are to sit in the Under Covered Area in the centre of the school. At the 8:15 bell students are to report to the area outside their class room. There is no play before school including the Prep and other playgrounds. Teachers generally get to their classrooms and open doors for students between 8:30 and 8:45 in preparation for the official start of learning at 8:55. In the afternoon, when students are released from classrooms, they are to make their way out of the school grounds and not remain behind to play on equipment. Our Stop Drop and Go area is owned by the Transport Department to ensure safe drop off and pick up of students. By law when using this area parents are not able to stop and get out of their vehicle as this disrupts the flow of traffic. I know this creates some difficulty for Prep parents but the rules around traffic are out of my control.
Over the coming week every class will make an information session available to you. I encourage you to attend and get to know your child's teacher and the class routine.