Dear Parents
I am pleased to be able to inform you that we are business as usual despite the concerns being experienced in Greater Brisbane.
Our school continues to encourage good hygiene practices from all students and adults attending and visiting our school. Masks are not required to be worn by students attending school. Obviously, if you feel safer having your child wear a mask they may do so.
Adults are still able to drop off and pick up students as long as they socially distance. Parents who have been in the Greater Brisbane Area since March 20th are not permitted on the school site and should comply with Queensland Health directives. Any child who displays any flu like symptoms must be kept at home.
My thanks for your understanding and adherence to the expectations for the safety of our school community.
Unfortunately we have had to cancel the Parent Teacher Meetings previously scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. I encourage you to make contact with your child's teacher early next term to investigate other opportunities for discussion.
We will continue to monitor the situation and provide you with further updates should the health information change.
We wish you a safe and enjoyable Easter break.