
Week 6, Term 2 Update from our P and C


Hi Families

Firstly, sorry it's taken so long to update you all…life just gets busy as you all know!

AGM Meeting – P&C Support

We attempted to hold our AGM in March but did not have enough people attend so it's rescheduled for FRIDAY JUNE 4TH 1PM.  We understand that it is Senior Carnival day but feel free to pop in if you can.  The wonderful ladies at the office will know where we are.  The AGM is where we discuss last year's financials, acknowledge any school policies we need to be aware of and elect our Executive Committee.  All positions are available, and we desperately need members.  We need a P&C at our school.  We can support the school in special ways.  The new toilet block was on the waiting list again at the end of the year.  After the P&C contacted Brittany Lauga and had her come to school and see what condition it was in, we are now halfway through construction!  Only the P&C were able to contact our MP.  Without the P&C we wouldn't have online ordering in the tuckshop!  It's not a lot of work if there is a team of us.  We're all busy, we understand that but without numbers we can not exist.  You do not need to attend the AGM to become a member.  Forms are available on the school website.  Just drop it into the office, please!

Brekky Club

Is currently on hold.  We need hands to help from 7.30am till about 9am on Wednesday mornings.  The menu is whatever we can get out depending on who can help.  Our basics are Milo or Juice, seasonal fruit and toast with different spreads.  We have served toasties and apple cinnamon pancake slices as well in the past.  It's set up in the kitchen in B block and I have brought my children in with me while prepping so feel free if you need too.  Now our awesome treasurer Louise is trying to keep it running but she needs help.  Even if we get a few groups of two parents, you will probably only need to do it once or twice a term.  It means a lot to our kids!  Call or text me 0432287280 if you can help or know someone who can.  We are ok for food donations at the moment.

Carnival Days

A big shout out to all the staff that work around the clock to make the Carnivals the success stories that they are!!  The Swim Carnival was awesome, a first for both our Preps and Year One's.  I'm sure the upcoming Sports Carnivals will be just as good.  Well done to the head organiser Mrs Karner 😊

Hope all is well with our Students, Staff, Families and Friends!



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Last reviewed 28 May 2021
Last updated 28 May 2021