Aussie of the Month: This Friday we have our second Aussie of the Month assembly. We look forward to acknowledging and celebrating our students' efforts and successes.
Parent Teacher Interviews: On Wednesday we have our Parent Teacher interviews in the hall. These are always a great chance to talk with your child's teacher and learn about their progress and how you can continue to support them.
Staffing Update for Term 2: Mr Pat Coe will commence as Principal at the start of Term 2. We are farewelling Mrs Newton at the end of term and wish her all the very best. Mrs Jessica O'Donnell will be joining us on 4N. Mrs O'Donnell is transferring from Farnborough State School. Mr Thomson is taking leave for Term 2 and Ms Jacqui Wright will be taking his place on 4T.
I would like to take this chance to thank Mrs Karner for her tireless work and support as Acting Deputy Principal this term as well as continuing to organise sporting and swimming events for our students.
Parents & Citizens Association: AGM Monday 31st March 5pm: The Annual General meeting will be held next Monday at 5pm in the staffroom. All parents are encouraged and welcome to attend.
Swimming Carnival and Fun Day: Tuesday 1st is our Year 3 to 6 Swimming Carnival. Wednesday 2nd April is our Prep to Year 2 Fun Day. Please ensure you have read the information Mrs Karner has sent home in preparation for the day/s.
Tuckshop Reminder: Students will need to bring their own lunch or can order from the tuckshop menu on the Qkr! app.
Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 – orders will need to be placed in Senior Swimming Carnival tab – 1st April
Years P, 1 & 2 – orders will need to be placed in Junior Swimming Carnival tab – 2nd April
First break & second break lunch menus at school will remain the same for the classes that are not at the swimming pool. Please don't send your child with money as all tuckshop orders must be pre-ordered. Students will not be able to purchase items from the swimming pool canteen so you may need to add a couple of extra snacks to their lunch boxes.
School Photos: Term 2, Week 1 - Wednesday 23rd & Thursday 24th April: School Photo order and payment envelopes have been sent home this week. Please read the instructions carefully and complete the payment and order forms on the envelopes. Visit MSP on their website for further information
ANZAC Assembly: Students will pay their respects through our special school ANZAC service on Thursday 24th April at 2:15pm in the Hall. Parents and Carers are welcome to attend.
ANZAC Community March: We will be participating in the Emu Park Community March on ANZAC day. We will meet outside the Pine Beach Hotel and assemble for the march. We ask if parents or carers are walking with the school that they walk on the outside or at the rear of the assembled students to enable the students to walk in line formation. Students walking with the school must be in full school uniform. At the conclusion of the march students will be released to the care and supervision of their parents. We do encourage students to remain at the service under the care of their parents and to pay their respects. As our students will be in their school uniforms and representing our school, school behaviour expectations remain.
Thank you: I would like to acknowledge and thank Capricorn Sand and Soil for their generous donation of $600 worth of sand. This donation assisted us with the costs of sand for our upgraded playgrounds.
A Day of Music and Fun - Combined Schools Concert Band Workshop: On Tuesday afternoon the Performing Arts room at Yeppoon State High School was buzzing with excitement as Beginner Instrumental Music students from Emu Park SS, Taranganba SS, Yeppoon SS, Farnborough SS, and Yeppoon State High School gathered together for a fantastic combined schools Beginner Concert Band workshop. The event was a massive success with heaps of eager students arriving ready to learn, play and have fun! For many it was their first time performing in an ensemble setting and they embraced the opportunity with enthusiasm and energy. Over the course of the afternoon the students got to experience the thrill of playing as part of a larger group all while learning valuable skills like performance etiquette, proper posture, intonation and how to work together as a cohesive unit.
In just a few hours, the young musicians came together to master playing three notes as a band—a small but significant milestone for each of them! The joy of seeing the students connect and support each other while making music was truly inspiring.
The workshop was not only about learning music, but also about building friendships and camaraderie with like-minded players from different schools. Students laughed, shared tips and celebrated each other's progress. And of course, to top off the afternoon of hard work everyone was treated to an icy pole providing the perfect way to cool down and reflect on the great afternoon they'd had.
The workshop was a brilliant way to kick off the year for these budding musiciansand it set the stage for more exciting musical adventures ahead. Junior Concert Band programs will be starting at each school in Term 2 and there are already big plans for the upcoming Cap Coast Beginner Band Workshop in Term 3!
Ms Candy Bergin would like to thank the student mentors from Yeppoon State High School who made the event such a success. We can't wait to see where this musical journey takes you all!
Lions Club Community Breakfast Mornings: Every Thursday morning our students are very fortunate to have the opportunity to share breakfast together. The Emu Park Lions Club provides a very generous variety of breakfast foods, fruit and drinks for our students. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the volunteers for their time and generosity. All food and drinks are supplied by the Lions Club. If you are able to assist them to continue with this generous service, they would appreciate any donations of breakfast spreads. Drop any items in on Thursday mornings to Breakfast Club and say hello to the team or leave them at the office.
We look forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming events in the next two weeks. Have a great week.
Community Notices:
Movie - Rise of the Guardians (PG): Friday 11th April 6:30-8:30pm Bell Park. Free – Bring a Blanket – School holidays – Fun – Face painting.
For further information contact Livingstone Shire council 1300 790 919
Free Kindy: Kindy is free for all eligible-aged Queensland children. Kindergarten, known as kindy, is a part-time educational program for children in the year before Prep. Kindy is 15 hours per week, 40 weeks per year and is free for Queensland children attending a government-approved kindergarten program.